About Us

The Hungarian wildmeat - because of the competence, geological features and the quality of wildlife among the highest in the world , not to mention the beneficial physiological characteristics.

Our company handles this wildmeat worthy of the processing and packaging process. With containers of wild collection we are present in every county and region in Hungyry. Our main business areas are the acguisition, boning, cutting and sale of the shot big games ( reddeer , roedeer  and wildboar ). Our products are sold in fresh , chilled or frozen.

According to the customers' needs, we are ready to meet the unique cutting and packaging requests.

Processing plant in the European Union has been authorized for big game processing 1000 tons per year.

Distinctive attention to hygiene , operation of HACCP international food safety requirements .

(angol verzió) Ezt a weblapot az MTT Média Kft. készítette. További információk: www.oldalam.hu